Nothing really happened today, but I did have alittle thinking process.
My friends get mad at me sometimes because I seem to "choose sides", but really, I'm not. I'm the kind of person who will always try to put someone in perspective on what the person they are mad or fighting with is going through. If that makes ANY sense. Heres a little example. Let's say A was mad at B. I was friends with both A and B and heard both sides on what's going on. If A complains about B, I'll say what B is going through. If B complains about A, I'll say what A is going through. I hope that makes alittle more sense. But yes, that is just how I am and what I do. Everyone accuses me of taking the other person's side, but really, I'm not. Nothing is truly ever one-sided, and for things with friends I try to look at the both sides, because really, one of them might be wrong in an area, but the other could be wrong about something else aswell.
LOL, isn't this all confusing? Why do I make it harder on myself.
Meh, today was a MEH kind of day. Nothing really exciting, quite boring actually and I have a ton of homework to do, so I better get on it! Crunch time with school now, 10 days until exams.
stay gorgeous,
little jay
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