So I have some exciting news! I've been job hunting like a crazy woman since I quit my job in May, and yesterday, I FINALLY GOT ONE. I was quite proud. :) I walked in, talked to the manager, scored an immediate interview with her then another interview with the head head manager (restraunt leader) and walked out with a job! I'm extremely excited and my training starts July 5th, fingers crossed it goes well!
Last night I went to another party, my social life has been buzzing for the past two weeks because I promise normally I'm doing nothing, so it's been quite the change. I think I've handled it alittle weird because I've drank at them all, so I need to come to some sort of balance, if that makes any sense. But yeah, I don't like parties because of drinking or whatever, I love to meet new people. Although I will admit last night I did get alittle out of hand. By 2:45 I was out like a lightbulb, with small periods of being awake (that I don't remember), to wake up at 4:15 then again at 8:30 and have been awake since. Point is: I'm sooooo tired haha, and tonight my family is hosting a BBQ so I won't be getting to bed that early. =/
Anyway on a more serious note, today I was thinking about somethings and I came to a little realization. I thought I'd write it up, considering this blog IS "little jays realizations" and all. :P
I realized that there are some people in this world that will do anything to get you down.
I mean, I've always known this and have seen it happen to other people, but recently I've just been noticing some things. You can't let these people get to you, and this is just general to everyone. You have to be confident and true to yourself, because there are some people who just really want to drag you into their pit of hatred. Maybe they're not getting enough Omega-3's (LOL, sorry I'm a bio nut. JSYK: Omega-3's give you the happy moods you have, while Omega-6's give you anger and frustation, Good Ol' Dr.Oz)But in all seriousness, if someone is just nagging at you and taking shots at your values, beleifs, intrests, self-eestem, anything at all, you have to laugh it off because really, it's pathetic. People will always say they understand you and that they know who you are, but really we only TRULY know ourselves individually, and the few we completely open up ourselves to. Ultimately, hold your head high, and your shoulders back because no matter what people will say or do, you have to stay true to yourself. Talking back, fighting or being sensitive about it just gives them what they want in the long run, trust me I've learnt this the hard way. This is a very large ramble, oh dear.
But that is all!
stay true not blue,
little jay
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