Ps, that red jelly-looking stuff, is actually a strawberry that was sliced.
So, clearly as you see, today I decided to do something I legitimately never do. I woke up, and I decided tooooo... DUN DUN DUN, BAKE A CAKE! I've had a bit, and let me tell you it is deeeeelicious. So I decided, "Why not post the recipe?!" I have a tendency of making my own version of a cake, from a loose outline, if that makes any sense. I didn't look online for this recipe, so I'm sorry if somewhere, someone has posted the exact same thing. I'm not trying to steal it! This is just how I made MY cake, and how I think it turned out. :) Alright!
2 1/3 cups of Flour
1 Tablespoon of Baking Powder
3/4 Tablespoon of Salt
1 1/2 cups of Sugar!
3 Eggs
1 Cup of Milk
1 Bar of Chcolate, (I used Dark Swiss Chocolate "Lindt")
1/2 of a 1/4 lb Margarine Square
5-6 Juicy Strawberries!
1. Add the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into a bowl, and sift it all together so it's blended.
2. Add the eggs, and the cup of milk. Begin to mix that on a lower setting.
3. As the batter is being mixed, take your bar of chocolate and break it up into small pieces in a small cooking pan. Add the margarine, and put the small cooking pan in a larger (soup pan kind of) pan that has boiling water. Let the chocolate melt into it's lovely goodness!
4. As the batter mixes and chocolate melts, cut up your washed strawberries into fine slices, and mix just a pinch of sugar into them.
5. When the chocolate is melted, add it into the batter and beat it at a high setting until blended.
6. Put the strawberries in, and with a wooden spoon slowly and gently mix the strawberries into the batter.
7. Put in a pan with alittle bit of sugar at the bottom, cook at 400 degrees and for about 10-15 minutes, or until ready. :)
Enjoy your cake, and here is the finished product! If anyone makes this, comment below and tell me how it turns out for you. :) Remember, everything doesnt have to be exactly like mine, you can add in, take out, or replace ingredients :)
PLEASE, Keep in mind I am no cake-making professional LOL, and that this is the first time I've made a cake in ages, so yes the picture is a little weird. :)
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