Wow, I haven't blogged in 10 days.
Anyway, let's fill you in :)! First off, I've been working almost every single evening. I really need the money, and when school starts, I'm considering getting a second, easy job like a cashier or something for two shifts a week, just so there's some more money coming in. Second, last weekend my best friend, Brittany and I, threw our other best friend Jenna a surprise birthday party! It was so exciting and she loved it, which was even better.
Other than that, I've just been prepping myself for back to school. I went school supplies shopping, got some new clothes, compeletly cleaned out my desk AND closet (color-coordinated, hello.) AND my make-up collection AND shoes. :) It's so I start grade 12 with a non-cluttered life, because clutter causes stress and I really don't want stress.
It hasn't occured to me that this is grade 12, graduation year. That after this, it's university and the "real world". It'll probably occur to me at the most random time, and with how emotional I've been lately (I cry over every movie I see.), I will probably spontaneously burst into tears about it, now whether they'll be happy or sad, that I don't know. I also started drawing again, so that's a plus! What else can I tell you... What else, what else, what else.
I'm drawing a blank, but overall I've been majority positive. I mean, I've had my mood swings where I'm down and grouchy, or sad and confused, but who doesn't have those days? They're lessening slowly, and soon I hope they become rarer than rare. :)
That's all for now!
enjoy the last part of summer,
little jay
August 21, 2010
August 11, 2010
extreme makeover: my life edition
Last night I was watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. That show makes me completely bawl my eyes out and feel so lucky and blessed to have the life I do. It also makes me think.
The episode last night was a family whose 14 year old daughter, Lizzie, lived on donated blood due to a rare blood disorder that basically made the blood her body made, not work in her body. She would get two transfusions a month, and had an extremely weak immune system. Their family home had termites, black mold, snakes, and the house was sinking into the Earth which was proven by all these massive cracks in the foundation.
I watch Extreme Makeover on a regular basis (it is one of my favorite shows), but never has there been an episode that I've seen at least, with a girl that had such a bad health problem so close to my age. She was alot like me too. She loved fashion, sketching, and just looking at peoples outfits seeing how the clothes, colours, patterns, silhouettes and everything would tie together. Extreme Makeover makes me realize alot of things when I watch, but this one inspired me. It inspired me to make a list of all the things I want to do with my life to make it better, and make me a happier person. One of the things on the list: Be apart of something bigger than myself.
I was googling some habitat for humanity stuff, like volunteer opportunities. I found that there's an opportunity close to my house, that has just begun or begins in the next couple weeks. I think it'd be amazing to help build a house for someone. I love the reactions of the people when their house is unveiled, and if we're being honest I always cry. I'd love to see that in person, and know that even if it was a small part, I helped. Of course I have to talk to my parents, and if the habitat for humanity thing doesn't work, I want to commit to volunteering atleast once or twice a week. I just want to help out more, make a change even if its only to one person.
I promised myself I wouldn't be lazy this year, and actually achieve the goals I set for myself. I began with my getting healthy (eating healthy, jogs, excersise), and now I want to help out the community. If we don't help eachother out, who will?
The episode last night was a family whose 14 year old daughter, Lizzie, lived on donated blood due to a rare blood disorder that basically made the blood her body made, not work in her body. She would get two transfusions a month, and had an extremely weak immune system. Their family home had termites, black mold, snakes, and the house was sinking into the Earth which was proven by all these massive cracks in the foundation.
I watch Extreme Makeover on a regular basis (it is one of my favorite shows), but never has there been an episode that I've seen at least, with a girl that had such a bad health problem so close to my age. She was alot like me too. She loved fashion, sketching, and just looking at peoples outfits seeing how the clothes, colours, patterns, silhouettes and everything would tie together. Extreme Makeover makes me realize alot of things when I watch, but this one inspired me. It inspired me to make a list of all the things I want to do with my life to make it better, and make me a happier person. One of the things on the list: Be apart of something bigger than myself.
I was googling some habitat for humanity stuff, like volunteer opportunities. I found that there's an opportunity close to my house, that has just begun or begins in the next couple weeks. I think it'd be amazing to help build a house for someone. I love the reactions of the people when their house is unveiled, and if we're being honest I always cry. I'd love to see that in person, and know that even if it was a small part, I helped. Of course I have to talk to my parents, and if the habitat for humanity thing doesn't work, I want to commit to volunteering atleast once or twice a week. I just want to help out more, make a change even if its only to one person.
I promised myself I wouldn't be lazy this year, and actually achieve the goals I set for myself. I began with my getting healthy (eating healthy, jogs, excersise), and now I want to help out the community. If we don't help eachother out, who will?
August 10, 2010
a moment
Life is filled with moments. Some happy, some sad, some we don't want to remember, and others we never want to forget. Sometimes we capture these moments on camera, others stay forever imbedded in the mind.
I love moments. I love the moments where even though things can be falling apart, that one single second where I feel completely happy and free. Even though it didn't last long, and the second I hit the ground again its a rush of reality to your head. The one second was worth it. I can't explain it, but looking back at the picture, it's that person I want to be. The person I wish I was everyday of my life, the person I'm working towards being.It was my little inspiration of the day when I saw this picture.

August 9, 2010
the money tree
I woke up this morning feeling extremely.... productive. First, I'm going to try my yoga dvd (after this blog post!), next I am going jogging with my friend Crystal, and THEN going to do my lemon-face wash. :) I just feel like doing a lot with my day today, so there will probably be more to that little to-do list, but that's just the basics.
I also had a little realization this morning as I was thinking and walking my dog. MONEY. I've always been one to love to go shopping, and have everything she wants. But as I'm working to save up for a car/NYC/Grad/University/Portugal, I realized that money is alot. I'm turning 17 in October, and I don't feel it's right for my parents to pay for everything I do, buy or use. In one year, I'll probably have my own place and going to school, and if I don't learn how to manage and save my money, when will I? I'm not 5 years old anymore, and I just feel horrible when my mom or dad spend alot of money on me, or even some at that. I always offer to pay back, but they almost always refuse. But still. These next few years are going to be financially difficult, because I go into University next fall, and that in itself is a ton of money. I also would like a cheap, used car which I would pay 2/3 of it myself, plus pay for my own gas and hopefully insurance depending on how much it is. Then there's the New York trip Spring Break, AND the Portugal trip next summer. All that takes alot of money, and I don't want my parents to keep spending on me, but rather save up, while I do the same thing.
I've decided that next year, I won't go back to dancing. Doing one dance alone, almost added up to 2,000. I don't want to be a dancer, or anything in the dancing feild, so 2,000 is a bunch of money. Instead I'm thinking of maybe g a gym membership. I can take classes at the gym, work out, AND it saves my parents 500-600 dollars in a year, or more I haven't crunched numbers yet. My shopping and make-up addiction can be put on pause. I just need a few fall/winter iteams, and I'll be good. I'm also thinking of getting a second job, just kind of on the side on days I have off.
This year I have to focus on money saving, and school. Hopefully I can score some scholarships to help out for post-secondary. I'm not slacking anymore. I'm going to study for my tests, do my homework, and pay attention in class. I'm going to try my hardest, and be the best I can be in courses. Relaxation is over, and I need to get into routine and good habits for university.
Anyway, that's my two-cents in a tangent today. :) Hope it made sense!
be productive,
little jay
I also had a little realization this morning as I was thinking and walking my dog. MONEY. I've always been one to love to go shopping, and have everything she wants. But as I'm working to save up for a car/NYC/Grad/University/Portugal, I realized that money is alot. I'm turning 17 in October, and I don't feel it's right for my parents to pay for everything I do, buy or use. In one year, I'll probably have my own place and going to school, and if I don't learn how to manage and save my money, when will I? I'm not 5 years old anymore, and I just feel horrible when my mom or dad spend alot of money on me, or even some at that. I always offer to pay back, but they almost always refuse. But still. These next few years are going to be financially difficult, because I go into University next fall, and that in itself is a ton of money. I also would like a cheap, used car which I would pay 2/3 of it myself, plus pay for my own gas and hopefully insurance depending on how much it is. Then there's the New York trip Spring Break, AND the Portugal trip next summer. All that takes alot of money, and I don't want my parents to keep spending on me, but rather save up, while I do the same thing.
I've decided that next year, I won't go back to dancing. Doing one dance alone, almost added up to 2,000. I don't want to be a dancer, or anything in the dancing feild, so 2,000 is a bunch of money. Instead I'm thinking of maybe g a gym membership. I can take classes at the gym, work out, AND it saves my parents 500-600 dollars in a year, or more I haven't crunched numbers yet. My shopping and make-up addiction can be put on pause. I just need a few fall/winter iteams, and I'll be good. I'm also thinking of getting a second job, just kind of on the side on days I have off.
This year I have to focus on money saving, and school. Hopefully I can score some scholarships to help out for post-secondary. I'm not slacking anymore. I'm going to study for my tests, do my homework, and pay attention in class. I'm going to try my hardest, and be the best I can be in courses. Relaxation is over, and I need to get into routine and good habits for university.
Anyway, that's my two-cents in a tangent today. :) Hope it made sense!
be productive,
little jay
August 2, 2010
when life gives you lemons...
Hey lovelies, :)
So, the other day I came across this amazing skin idea. I kind of have tempermental skin. Sometimes it decides to love me, and other times it just decides to venture into pimplezit-land. If we're being honest, most of the time I am way too lazy to stick to a skin routine (although I do have clinique and proactiv).
Then another thing, alot of skin cleansers have sulfates in them. Only recently did it come to my attention that in literally 99% of my skin products had "sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate" or parabens, or just things that in the long run are harmful to my skin. For those of you who don't know, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a cleaner that's used to clean car engines. Yup. So unless we've turn into automotives, I really don't think it's necessary to put that on my skin! Even my "organic" apricot scrub had it! I was completely shocked at the amount of products I use contain it! So I began my search for a simple, easy way to clean my skin.
Lemon Juice, Sugar & a Cotton pad. That's what my skin regime has become. It's so easy, and it makes your skin feel craaaazy soft. Lemons have BHA (beta hydroxy acid) and AHA (alpha dyroxy acid) which both do wonders for your skin, especially AHA which is basically a skin improver that unclogs pores, enhances skin cell renewal and makes it appear more glowy and beautiful. So here's the steps I do!
So, the other day I came across this amazing skin idea. I kind of have tempermental skin. Sometimes it decides to love me, and other times it just decides to venture into pimplezit-land. If we're being honest, most of the time I am way too lazy to stick to a skin routine (although I do have clinique and proactiv).
Then another thing, alot of skin cleansers have sulfates in them. Only recently did it come to my attention that in literally 99% of my skin products had "sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate" or parabens, or just things that in the long run are harmful to my skin. For those of you who don't know, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a cleaner that's used to clean car engines. Yup. So unless we've turn into automotives, I really don't think it's necessary to put that on my skin! Even my "organic" apricot scrub had it! I was completely shocked at the amount of products I use contain it! So I began my search for a simple, easy way to clean my skin.
Lemon Juice, Sugar & a Cotton pad. That's what my skin regime has become. It's so easy, and it makes your skin feel craaaazy soft. Lemons have BHA (beta hydroxy acid) and AHA (alpha dyroxy acid) which both do wonders for your skin, especially AHA which is basically a skin improver that unclogs pores, enhances skin cell renewal and makes it appear more glowy and beautiful. So here's the steps I do!
- have a clean, make up-less fresh face and wash it with warm water so it opens up your pores
- take your cotton pad, and soak it in lemon juice, preferably organic since your skin does absorb whatever you clean it with. Or you can even just squeeze fresh lemons onto the pad
- take about a teaspoon of sugar and put it on the pad
- start scrubbing around your face, and let the lemon-y goodness work its' magic!
- if the stinging is too much for your face, you can dilute the lemon juice with some water.
- after you've scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed, wash it off with warm water and feel how soft your skin is!
Remember, this isn't a full proof process and even I still have broken out afterwards but in my case it's been noticiably less. But it's been a great skin routine for the past few days. :) Definately reccommed to try it out!
love and lemons,
littel jay.
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