October 6, 2010

like a broken record

I kind of feel disappointed, but I can't exactly explain why.
I also don't really feel like having a birthday party, because I know it'll just result in drama, and people may say that girls "secretly" crave drama: I'm not one of them.

It's kind of disappointing that people have swooped down so low and resulted to calling people names like bitch or slut, or just trying to sabbotage their school year. I'm not going to lie, I've been that low and I've done those things. Maybe someone will call me hypocritical for writing about this, but arn't we all hypocrites? Opinions change, beleifs change, situations change, as much as people will avoid it and try to push it away, as time goes on everything changes in one way or another. I don't think people should be called hypocritical, because at some point your life, you've been one too. Would YOU have enjoyed someone calling you that?

Someone's status on facebook the other day was something like: "treat others the way you want to be treated; because if you're a bitch Karma will be one too."
I know my blog posts, majority of them, come back to this idea of treating other the way you want to be treated. But it's the truth. I cannot emphasis on that enough. It's the new mentality I'm seeing things with. In a previous blog, I mentioned that I was over the drama that exists in highschool. It's true, I am. We, high schoolers, expect people to treat us like adults. But yet, we act like we're back in elementary towards eachother. Does that really make sense? It doesn't to me, and maybe this is just my opinion, but if my generation stopped being so thick-headed, they'd see it too. ONE person has to be the bigger person and just get over it. It takes two to tango but if one person just walks away, the dance is over. LOL, like my metaphor?

It's so hard to write about this, because I honestly don't really know where I'm going with it. I think I'm just going to stop here, gather my thoughts, do the stuff I have to do today, then maybe come back later and finish off this blog.
My point? treat others the way you want to be treated. It's repetitive, but I think we should get t-shirts.
coughing away,
little jay

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