October 26, 2010

technology brings memories

My grandpa passed away when I was three. I only have one vivid memory of him, and it is walking into my grandma's house in Portugal, and my grandpa being at the door to the kitchen in his wheelchair. He had turned his head to see my cousins Noemia, Sara and I walking in from a day at the river swimming. He smiled. Ironically, that is the only memory all three of us share, or remember. Recently I found a youtube video, that his friend had put up. I didn't remember how his voice sounded, but seeing him moving in a video, before his disease was... heart-breaking? I don't remember him much, as I've said before, but it still hurts to see my mom sometimes wipe away a tear, or wonder what if would have been like if he really had lived, and hadn't been so stubborn to not take his medication. I know he watches over me and my family, but that doesn't keep me from wondering. I love you Grandpa, I hope you're not in pain or unhappy.


No one rarely goes into your wine cellar anymore in Portugal, it was yours. I love you.

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