April 10, 2011

bearing the soul.

Days do get better. People need to believe that, we need to believe that things get better as time passes, and that the future is bright. Why is it a dying cancer patient can smile and hope for a cure that isn't coming, but someone living, breathing, healthy, who confronts some life problems can't see past the one road block? I'm not being naive, I know a small problem for me can be something life altering for someone else, but I also know that you never know what the future brings. I don't know if my family will win the lottery tomorrow, or if something devestating will happen that will completely alter my life and choices. Every downward spiral has it's way up, no matter how difficult. Every person has strength within themselves. Some see it and use it, others don't believe it's there, but it is. it is. Life is unexpected, no matter how much we try to plan and control it, it is uncontrollable. It is out of our hands. We can anally plan every minute in a day planner, with endless appointments, endless planned and thought out conversations with flashcards. But one event, one single moment can alter everything, and it will be something completely unplanned. If you hit rockbottom, there's a way up, because if there wasn't how would you have got there? I'm not saying you won't slip, I'm not saying it'll be easy, I'm not saying that it'll take one night, it's a journey. Everything is, and we don't have a map for it. Life isn't a geography class with planned routes and roads, predictable winding roads and hair-pin turns. We can only map out the past, and the moment we're in. The future is unknown. I guess that scares people, I know it scares me. I crap my pants thinking that next year I'm walking into university, without the safety net of high school and of knowing practically everyone for a long time. I may play it off that I'm confident about it, and ready. But boy am I not, I don't want to lose some of the people I've met in high school, I don't want to drift from the people I love dearly right now. In a way I yearn for the change, and for the new adventure, but that part of me wants things to remain in this exact moment, just for a little while. Time passes too fast. Its like I blinked in grade 8 with my health teacher saying "time passes fast, faster than you know it, you'll be graduating." Was he ever right. I don't even know where I'm going with this blogpost anymore, to be honest. blaaah, I wish people didn't give up. I wish they believed in a better day, I wish they had the strength to go on, and realize that life is unpredictable and that you never know if the next turn will be a good one... As Marilyn Monroe says, "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you learn to appreciate them when they are right. You believe less so eventually you trust no one but yourself. And sometimes, good things fall apart for better things to fall together."

1 comment:

  1. I cried, this is amazing, keep up the awesome work!
