November 23, 2011

losing braincells as we speak...

My slacker status only seems to be increasing as I care less and less for my classes. This may be a problem.
I remember being a kid and everything being so simple. It's funny, because then I used to think it was hard. I thought long division would be the death of me (and to be honest, I still don't know how to do it).

Pause. Funny moment:

Dear "I wasn't that drunk",
you were hugging an old man with a beard screaming "DUMBLEDORE YOU'RE ALIVE"
sincerely, sober people don't do that...

And that was courtesy of ""

Sorry, I had to share that. This is what I accomplish in my classes, primarily Anatomy. But back to my reminiscing of life before university. I can't do long division, I can't multiply two fractions without a calculator, and according to my English Professor: I cannot make a proper thesis. You're taught all these things that allegedly you MUST know in order to succeed in life, but I once saw a picture that really describes school life.

Pre-School: they sit you behind a desk and tell you not to break anything.
Elementary: Tell you it's a lot harder in Junior High
Jr. High: Tell you it's a lot harder in High School
High School: Tell you it's a lot harder in College/University
College/ University: Tell you it's a lot harder in the real world
Real World: sit you behind a desk and you try not to break anything. <---- although this is only applicable to some jobs, I found it so true.

What kind of world did we build, that we have to go to school 12 years in order to understand it, and then if you want to "succeed" in it, you have to go to school for another year or as many years as it takes to become the very important job you are seeking to be. Maybe this is a pointless rant. But really, I need to waste another half hour until my class is done.
I'm going to go look up stupid things on the internet now.
I'll blog later and post my listen-of-the-day for how ever many days I've missed.

Kill them with kindness,
little jay.

PS- my next blog will probably be more relevant to life, and not as pointless.

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