June 29, 2010
New Blog Idea:
Hey lovelies,
So I came up with this idea that I thought was pretty cool. As you see in the right link sidebar, I already have a page for poetry and art. I was thinking, what if I made an interactive book? I've been writing this unknown story for awhile now, and I haven't looked at it in MONTHS, but tonight I was reading it and I'd like to start on it again. But my issue, is I do not get inspired, whatsoever. Maybe this plan will go down the drain, but it's a thought hey?
The concept behind this page would be that as I write, you see every single step of the way. My ideas developing, what I put in, take out, all that stuff. Then YOU guys can pitch in ideas or events or something and I'll take them into consideration and add them in if appropriate! I think it'd be pretty cool and hands on, so let me know what you think! I'll create a poll, and we'll see what the votes come out to in let's say...2-3 weeks-ish? I'll post a little except from the story below, and then you guys can all get voting.
Update: Voting will close July 13th, 2010 at 12:00 PM Moutain Time (US & Canada)
pitchin' ideas,
little jay.
So I came up with this idea that I thought was pretty cool. As you see in the right link sidebar, I already have a page for poetry and art. I was thinking, what if I made an interactive book? I've been writing this unknown story for awhile now, and I haven't looked at it in MONTHS, but tonight I was reading it and I'd like to start on it again. But my issue, is I do not get inspired, whatsoever. Maybe this plan will go down the drain, but it's a thought hey?
The concept behind this page would be that as I write, you see every single step of the way. My ideas developing, what I put in, take out, all that stuff. Then YOU guys can pitch in ideas or events or something and I'll take them into consideration and add them in if appropriate! I think it'd be pretty cool and hands on, so let me know what you think! I'll create a poll, and we'll see what the votes come out to in let's say...2-3 weeks-ish? I'll post a little except from the story below, and then you guys can all get voting.
Update: Voting will close July 13th, 2010 at 12:00 PM Moutain Time (US & Canada)
pitchin' ideas,
little jay.
The best part about Heaven wasn't that you were free. Or the fact everyone was equal in status, or the angels. No, it was that you could look back into your old life, and hear what other people were thinking, in any situation you wanted. YOU could read their minds. You can figure out exactly what they thought about you, and if they cared. It's harsh, but you wouldn't believe how many people are just nice on the outside, and who are really judging you on the inside. But that wasn't the only perk. Here, second chances are basically a law.
In Heaven there were some things you didn't expect. Just like that here, you took a number. It wasn't like a prison number, no, far beyond that. Just ask yourself this simple question.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Well my friends, it exists. When my number was called up, I'd be evaluated. If I made the cut, I was reincarnated to whatever they'd make me. An animal, human, anything, you name it; and here YOU thought dogs didn't go to heaven.
If I passed the evaluation, I would be granted to live again; on the condition that I was made to forget anything or anyone I had in my previous life.
Since thousands die, and thousands more are born each day; my number would call soon.
Heaven is all about second chances, and everyone was given one, including me.
My name is Alessia Rosi, and my number was 10 956.
It was just a matter of waiting.
June 26, 2010
Apperantly it seems like that a few of my blogs have been directed to a person, or to a group of people. This is not what I am insinuating with these blog posts. Yes, blogs are based on personal experience and situations the blogger confronts, but it is also observation. Such as, my last blog post "Ramble & Realization" was based on the observation of the party I went to last night. Two girls were constantly talking about the other girls at the party, including the birthday girl, and it came to the point that the birthday girl took away everyones phones until the morning. It is also based on past experience, and yes a few recent observations, but never will my blogs be strictly about ONE person in particular, unless I make it that way with their names.
I have had several blogs in the past, and I have had to take each and every one of them down due to this very problem. I am not making any "hidden implications" towards a person, their emotions, beleifs, experiences, situations, nothing of that. I do take alot into account when I publish these blog posts, because I don't want anyone to be offended or feel as if they are being the punchline of the post. If it has appeared this way, this is not intentional by any means, and I do aplogize.
I am trying to write in this blog with a positive light, and what is being interpreted is not what I would like it to be.
If anyone has any other problems with my blog posts, or if this seems to be the case when you read my posts, please contact me immediately. Contact is in the "Contact" link on the right-side bar. Or even comment at this blog.
Genuine Apologies to those affected,
Joana (aka. Little Jay)
I have had several blogs in the past, and I have had to take each and every one of them down due to this very problem. I am not making any "hidden implications" towards a person, their emotions, beleifs, experiences, situations, nothing of that. I do take alot into account when I publish these blog posts, because I don't want anyone to be offended or feel as if they are being the punchline of the post. If it has appeared this way, this is not intentional by any means, and I do aplogize.
I am trying to write in this blog with a positive light, and what is being interpreted is not what I would like it to be.
If anyone has any other problems with my blog posts, or if this seems to be the case when you read my posts, please contact me immediately. Contact is in the "Contact" link on the right-side bar. Or even comment at this blog.
Genuine Apologies to those affected,
Joana (aka. Little Jay)
rambles & realization
So I have some exciting news! I've been job hunting like a crazy woman since I quit my job in May, and yesterday, I FINALLY GOT ONE. I was quite proud. :) I walked in, talked to the manager, scored an immediate interview with her then another interview with the head head manager (restraunt leader) and walked out with a job! I'm extremely excited and my training starts July 5th, fingers crossed it goes well!
Last night I went to another party, my social life has been buzzing for the past two weeks because I promise normally I'm doing nothing, so it's been quite the change. I think I've handled it alittle weird because I've drank at them all, so I need to come to some sort of balance, if that makes any sense. But yeah, I don't like parties because of drinking or whatever, I love to meet new people. Although I will admit last night I did get alittle out of hand. By 2:45 I was out like a lightbulb, with small periods of being awake (that I don't remember), to wake up at 4:15 then again at 8:30 and have been awake since. Point is: I'm sooooo tired haha, and tonight my family is hosting a BBQ so I won't be getting to bed that early. =/
Anyway on a more serious note, today I was thinking about somethings and I came to a little realization. I thought I'd write it up, considering this blog IS "little jays realizations" and all. :P
I realized that there are some people in this world that will do anything to get you down.
I mean, I've always known this and have seen it happen to other people, but recently I've just been noticing some things. You can't let these people get to you, and this is just general to everyone. You have to be confident and true to yourself, because there are some people who just really want to drag you into their pit of hatred. Maybe they're not getting enough Omega-3's (LOL, sorry I'm a bio nut. JSYK: Omega-3's give you the happy moods you have, while Omega-6's give you anger and frustation, Good Ol' Dr.Oz)But in all seriousness, if someone is just nagging at you and taking shots at your values, beleifs, intrests, self-eestem, anything at all, you have to laugh it off because really, it's pathetic. People will always say they understand you and that they know who you are, but really we only TRULY know ourselves individually, and the few we completely open up ourselves to. Ultimately, hold your head high, and your shoulders back because no matter what people will say or do, you have to stay true to yourself. Talking back, fighting or being sensitive about it just gives them what they want in the long run, trust me I've learnt this the hard way. This is a very large ramble, oh dear.
But that is all!
stay true not blue,
little jay
Last night I went to another party, my social life has been buzzing for the past two weeks because I promise normally I'm doing nothing, so it's been quite the change. I think I've handled it alittle weird because I've drank at them all, so I need to come to some sort of balance, if that makes any sense. But yeah, I don't like parties because of drinking or whatever, I love to meet new people. Although I will admit last night I did get alittle out of hand. By 2:45 I was out like a lightbulb, with small periods of being awake (that I don't remember), to wake up at 4:15 then again at 8:30 and have been awake since. Point is: I'm sooooo tired haha, and tonight my family is hosting a BBQ so I won't be getting to bed that early. =/
Anyway on a more serious note, today I was thinking about somethings and I came to a little realization. I thought I'd write it up, considering this blog IS "little jays realizations" and all. :P
I realized that there are some people in this world that will do anything to get you down.
I mean, I've always known this and have seen it happen to other people, but recently I've just been noticing some things. You can't let these people get to you, and this is just general to everyone. You have to be confident and true to yourself, because there are some people who just really want to drag you into their pit of hatred. Maybe they're not getting enough Omega-3's (LOL, sorry I'm a bio nut. JSYK: Omega-3's give you the happy moods you have, while Omega-6's give you anger and frustation, Good Ol' Dr.Oz)But in all seriousness, if someone is just nagging at you and taking shots at your values, beleifs, intrests, self-eestem, anything at all, you have to laugh it off because really, it's pathetic. People will always say they understand you and that they know who you are, but really we only TRULY know ourselves individually, and the few we completely open up ourselves to. Ultimately, hold your head high, and your shoulders back because no matter what people will say or do, you have to stay true to yourself. Talking back, fighting or being sensitive about it just gives them what they want in the long run, trust me I've learnt this the hard way. This is a very large ramble, oh dear.
But that is all!
stay true not blue,
little jay
June 25, 2010
rambling ramble ramble!
Today Portugal played against Brazil. :) It was a pretty intense game, except for the fact Brazil kept passing the ball back and forth in a line. The second half is where the players were really going to town. It was good, and in the end there were no winners or losers, so it was all good. :) Both teams got into the second round regardless! Though, truthfully, I wouldn't have minded Portugal winning, but only because Brazilians are extremely cocky towards Portugal in terms of Soccer. But whatever, it's just a game.
Hmm Hmm Hmm, what's there to talk about.
Oh, I'm going to a birthday party later. My friend Alice, whom I met through Crystal, one of my close friends. I think it'll be fun, although I don't know some of the girls going, I'll just try to be out-going and make some new friends.
This is kind of a pointless blog, =P. But I was in the mood to blog. Just kind of like a ramble. Sooo hopefully you can keep up with me.
I've been job hunting lately, but nothing has shown up yet. Hopefully one does soon, because I really miss getting a pay cheque. I'm trying to save money for a car and for spending money when I go to NYC in springbreak next year, but being income-less makes it a tad difficult.
I'm trying to make this new thing for myself of not letting anything "phase" me. Like you know the saying, "Shit don't phase me"? Or something like that? Yes? Well, that is another thing I'm trying to incorporate into my new outlook. Not letting dumb things get to me, picking my battles. Also keeping my opinions to myself, majority anyway. I shall try, :P no promises here. It's difficult for me to bite my tongue, but I'm slowly learning! When you say something, you can't take it back, and no matter how sorry you are, the other person 99.99999% of the time will bring it up and use it against you, trust me I would know. But yes, it is something I'm trying to do to de-bitchify myself. Keep my mouth closed, opinions to myself. ALTHOUGH, I will stand up for myself. It's not, in my opinion, being a bitch if you're standing up for yourself when you're practically being attacked. Food for thought!
I slightly re-did my room this week. I took down my post-card collection and pasted them along the wood trimming lining thing of my closet, and in place of where they were, are my two new Marilyn Monroe pictures. I love Marilyn Monroe. Although she was ditzy, she was so pretty and not afraid to be herself. Her quotes make my life, and I've chosen two to live by.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
I've kind of made those my mantra, because they're true; to me anyway.
I've been really trying this past week around the house. I did alot of things without being asked, do things almost immediately when I am asked, and I've started re-connecting with my friends I slightly lost touch to. I missed them alot, and I'm glad we're getting along again, all my bull put aside. :)
I must go vaccum though, so I'll catch you all later!
little Jay
Hmm Hmm Hmm, what's there to talk about.
Oh, I'm going to a birthday party later. My friend Alice, whom I met through Crystal, one of my close friends. I think it'll be fun, although I don't know some of the girls going, I'll just try to be out-going and make some new friends.
This is kind of a pointless blog, =P. But I was in the mood to blog. Just kind of like a ramble. Sooo hopefully you can keep up with me.
I've been job hunting lately, but nothing has shown up yet. Hopefully one does soon, because I really miss getting a pay cheque. I'm trying to save money for a car and for spending money when I go to NYC in springbreak next year, but being income-less makes it a tad difficult.
I'm trying to make this new thing for myself of not letting anything "phase" me. Like you know the saying, "Shit don't phase me"? Or something like that? Yes? Well, that is another thing I'm trying to incorporate into my new outlook. Not letting dumb things get to me, picking my battles. Also keeping my opinions to myself, majority anyway. I shall try, :P no promises here. It's difficult for me to bite my tongue, but I'm slowly learning! When you say something, you can't take it back, and no matter how sorry you are, the other person 99.99999% of the time will bring it up and use it against you, trust me I would know. But yes, it is something I'm trying to do to de-bitchify myself. Keep my mouth closed, opinions to myself. ALTHOUGH, I will stand up for myself. It's not, in my opinion, being a bitch if you're standing up for yourself when you're practically being attacked. Food for thought!
I slightly re-did my room this week. I took down my post-card collection and pasted them along the wood trimming lining thing of my closet, and in place of where they were, are my two new Marilyn Monroe pictures. I love Marilyn Monroe. Although she was ditzy, she was so pretty and not afraid to be herself. Her quotes make my life, and I've chosen two to live by.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
I've kind of made those my mantra, because they're true; to me anyway.
I've been really trying this past week around the house. I did alot of things without being asked, do things almost immediately when I am asked, and I've started re-connecting with my friends I slightly lost touch to. I missed them alot, and I'm glad we're getting along again, all my bull put aside. :)
I must go vaccum though, so I'll catch you all later!
little Jay
June 24, 2010
25 Random Question Tag.
So, this tag has been going around YouTube, and since I'm way too lazy to make any videos whatsoever, I decided to answer the questions on my blog. :) I tag everyone!
1. Do you have any pets?
I have one dog, Snoopy, and two pet Finches.
2. Name three things that are physically close to you.
My Cellphone, Purse and a Pillow :)
3. What's the weather like right now?
Uhhm, alittle cloudy, but it was sunny most of the day.
4. Do you drive? If so, have you crashed?
I have my learners, and no I haven't crashed thankfully!
5. What time did you wake up this morning?
I woke up pretty early considering it's summer. Around 8:30ish am.
6. When was the last time you showered?
I showered about.. 6 hours ago?
7. What was the last movie you saw?
In theaters: Iron Man and then I watched Dear John online
8. What does your last text message say?
It says "yeah?" from Cameron :)
9. What is your ringtone?
Right now it's Airplanes feat. Hayley Williams by BoB or something.
10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yes, I've been priviledged enough to travel. :) I've been to Portugal, Switzerland, France, Spain and Germany.
11. Do you like Sushi?
I only like some parts of it, I've only had it once though.
12. Where do you buy your grocceries?
SuperStore, Safeway... and sometimes Sobeys
13. Have you ever taken medication for you to fall asleep better?
Sleeping Pills no, but some cough medicine makes you drowsy
14. How many siblings do you have?
One brother, Jason and he's 13 years old.
15. Do you have a desktop computer, or a laptop?
I have a laptop
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I will be 17 :) in October!
17. Do you colour your hair?
Sometimes I'll get peek a boos or something, but I haven't dyed it in a year
18. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
I wear glasses more often than contacts, but I do have them
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Uhhm, well it's 8:00 pm here, so I'm probably going to curl up and watch some T.V. or work on my Math!
20. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhmmm.. last night, some stuff was going on :(
21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
I love cheese. Cheese is epic, or like deleuxe!
22. Which do you prefer-- hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Cheeseburgers :)
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
The closest I've pulled was 7:45 am at a sleepover.
24. What is your eye color?
Brown, :( Boring hey?
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Honestly, no. LOL! I THINK Coke is alittle fizzier than Pepsi, I could be wrong.
1. Do you have any pets?
I have one dog, Snoopy, and two pet Finches.
2. Name three things that are physically close to you.
My Cellphone, Purse and a Pillow :)
3. What's the weather like right now?
Uhhm, alittle cloudy, but it was sunny most of the day.
4. Do you drive? If so, have you crashed?
I have my learners, and no I haven't crashed thankfully!
5. What time did you wake up this morning?
I woke up pretty early considering it's summer. Around 8:30ish am.
6. When was the last time you showered?
I showered about.. 6 hours ago?
7. What was the last movie you saw?
In theaters: Iron Man and then I watched Dear John online
8. What does your last text message say?
It says "yeah?" from Cameron :)
9. What is your ringtone?
Right now it's Airplanes feat. Hayley Williams by BoB or something.
10. Have you ever been to a different country?
Yes, I've been priviledged enough to travel. :) I've been to Portugal, Switzerland, France, Spain and Germany.
11. Do you like Sushi?
I only like some parts of it, I've only had it once though.
12. Where do you buy your grocceries?
SuperStore, Safeway... and sometimes Sobeys
13. Have you ever taken medication for you to fall asleep better?
Sleeping Pills no, but some cough medicine makes you drowsy
14. How many siblings do you have?
One brother, Jason and he's 13 years old.
15. Do you have a desktop computer, or a laptop?
I have a laptop
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I will be 17 :) in October!
17. Do you colour your hair?
Sometimes I'll get peek a boos or something, but I haven't dyed it in a year
18. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
I wear glasses more often than contacts, but I do have them
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Uhhm, well it's 8:00 pm here, so I'm probably going to curl up and watch some T.V. or work on my Math!
20. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhmmm.. last night, some stuff was going on :(
21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
I love cheese. Cheese is epic, or like deleuxe!
22. Which do you prefer-- hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Cheeseburgers :)
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
The closest I've pulled was 7:45 am at a sleepover.
24. What is your eye color?
Brown, :( Boring hey?
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Honestly, no. LOL! I THINK Coke is alittle fizzier than Pepsi, I could be wrong.
June 23, 2010
Strawberry Chocolate-y Cake. :)
Ps, that red jelly-looking stuff, is actually a strawberry that was sliced.
So, clearly as you see, today I decided to do something I legitimately never do. I woke up, and I decided tooooo... DUN DUN DUN, BAKE A CAKE! I've had a bit, and let me tell you it is deeeeelicious. So I decided, "Why not post the recipe?!" I have a tendency of making my own version of a cake, from a loose outline, if that makes any sense. I didn't look online for this recipe, so I'm sorry if somewhere, someone has posted the exact same thing. I'm not trying to steal it! This is just how I made MY cake, and how I think it turned out. :) Alright!
2 1/3 cups of Flour
1 Tablespoon of Baking Powder
3/4 Tablespoon of Salt
1 1/2 cups of Sugar!
3 Eggs
1 Cup of Milk
1 Bar of Chcolate, (I used Dark Swiss Chocolate "Lindt")
1/2 of a 1/4 lb Margarine Square
5-6 Juicy Strawberries!
1. Add the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar into a bowl, and sift it all together so it's blended.
2. Add the eggs, and the cup of milk. Begin to mix that on a lower setting.
3. As the batter is being mixed, take your bar of chocolate and break it up into small pieces in a small cooking pan. Add the margarine, and put the small cooking pan in a larger (soup pan kind of) pan that has boiling water. Let the chocolate melt into it's lovely goodness!
4. As the batter mixes and chocolate melts, cut up your washed strawberries into fine slices, and mix just a pinch of sugar into them.
5. When the chocolate is melted, add it into the batter and beat it at a high setting until blended.
6. Put the strawberries in, and with a wooden spoon slowly and gently mix the strawberries into the batter.
7. Put in a pan with alittle bit of sugar at the bottom, cook at 400 degrees and for about 10-15 minutes, or until ready. :)
Enjoy your cake, and here is the finished product! If anyone makes this, comment below and tell me how it turns out for you. :) Remember, everything doesnt have to be exactly like mine, you can add in, take out, or replace ingredients :)
PLEASE, Keep in mind I am no cake-making professional LOL, and that this is the first time I've made a cake in ages, so yes the picture is a little weird. :)
June 21, 2010
Sunny Days to Summer
So today, the temperature where I am lives up to the title of this blog. For those of you who don't know, I live in Edmonton, Alberta. In Canada. No, we do not live in Igloos or party on polar bears, but let me tell you, it gets COLD here. At some point this past winter, the two coldest places on Earth were EDMONTON and SIBERIA. What does that tell you?
But today, it was absolutely goregous out. Normally I don't leave my little haven of my basement, since I never really have anything to do outside. But today, who cares, I was studying for my biology exam while tanning! It was 27+ degrees (Celcius)! For those of you who live in the states where 25 degrees means winter, you're all "pssht, that's not hot, what are you talking about crazy person." But trust me, in Edmonton, the land where it snows in May some years, it is VERY hot. Anyway, despite my ramble on weather. LOL!
I'm sorry I've been kind of M.I.A but exams have been happening the past two weeks, and then the last week of school was pretty hectic. Tomorrow is my last final, so definately afterwards I have plans of blogging way more, and truly committing to the purpose of this blog: becoming better. No, I don't mean that in an obnoxious, cocky way. But I also didn't specify because I want to be better in alot of aspects of my life. I want to be a better friend, better daughter, better big sister, better girlfriend, have better eating habits, better physical shape, better in school, and just ultimately, a better person. The past few years I've fluxuated in being a complete bitch, or being a really good person. I think it's about time I finally choose a side to be on, and never go back to the bitchy side.
My summer really sucked last year, and this year I am not letting it go to waste again. I have a check-list of things I want to do and accomplish, and I am going to be determined to do them, rather than sit in bed all day sleeping and achieving nothing. This is going to be a long shot for me, since I win the award for laziest 16 year old ever, but I am going to legitimately try! I'll put my check-list up in a next blog I write. :)
Hmm... What else to talk about.
In part of becoming "better" I need to apologize for all the things I've stupidly done in the past. Such as mistakes, or something I've said, just really anything that at some point offended or hurt someone.
So let this be my public apology to ANYONE, that I've hurt, offended, betrayed, lied to, talked about, anything. I want this to be a fresh start, as of right now. June 21st, 2010 at 6:10 pm. The past is in the past, and as much as I would like to change somethings, I can't. I have to learn from my mistakes, and not dwell on them. Trust me, I'll make more mistakes to come, so this is another apology in advance for whatever I might do. But I think this is a crucial factor to how my outlook changes on life. So, to anyone really, even if it's a stranger who stumbled upon this blog whom I've randomly at some point given a dirty (unintentional) look to; I am sorry.
My list of how to change to myself is slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, coming together.
1. De-clutter your life
2. Apologize for Mistakes
love love love,
little Jay.
But today, it was absolutely goregous out. Normally I don't leave my little haven of my basement, since I never really have anything to do outside. But today, who cares, I was studying for my biology exam while tanning! It was 27+ degrees (Celcius)! For those of you who live in the states where 25 degrees means winter, you're all "pssht, that's not hot, what are you talking about crazy person." But trust me, in Edmonton, the land where it snows in May some years, it is VERY hot. Anyway, despite my ramble on weather. LOL!
I'm sorry I've been kind of M.I.A but exams have been happening the past two weeks, and then the last week of school was pretty hectic. Tomorrow is my last final, so definately afterwards I have plans of blogging way more, and truly committing to the purpose of this blog: becoming better. No, I don't mean that in an obnoxious, cocky way. But I also didn't specify because I want to be better in alot of aspects of my life. I want to be a better friend, better daughter, better big sister, better girlfriend, have better eating habits, better physical shape, better in school, and just ultimately, a better person. The past few years I've fluxuated in being a complete bitch, or being a really good person. I think it's about time I finally choose a side to be on, and never go back to the bitchy side.
My summer really sucked last year, and this year I am not letting it go to waste again. I have a check-list of things I want to do and accomplish, and I am going to be determined to do them, rather than sit in bed all day sleeping and achieving nothing. This is going to be a long shot for me, since I win the award for laziest 16 year old ever, but I am going to legitimately try! I'll put my check-list up in a next blog I write. :)
Hmm... What else to talk about.
In part of becoming "better" I need to apologize for all the things I've stupidly done in the past. Such as mistakes, or something I've said, just really anything that at some point offended or hurt someone.
So let this be my public apology to ANYONE, that I've hurt, offended, betrayed, lied to, talked about, anything. I want this to be a fresh start, as of right now. June 21st, 2010 at 6:10 pm. The past is in the past, and as much as I would like to change somethings, I can't. I have to learn from my mistakes, and not dwell on them. Trust me, I'll make more mistakes to come, so this is another apology in advance for whatever I might do. But I think this is a crucial factor to how my outlook changes on life. So, to anyone really, even if it's a stranger who stumbled upon this blog whom I've randomly at some point given a dirty (unintentional) look to; I am sorry.
My list of how to change to myself is slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, coming together.
1. De-clutter your life
2. Apologize for Mistakes
love love love,
little Jay.
June 19, 2010
summer 2010, about to begin.

Good Afternoon, :) Here anyway.
So, I have one more exam until my summer begins! I did my very dreaded math diploma yesterday, but fingers crossed for good results!! Anyway, last night I went to a party. I don't really go to parties but it was one of my friends in my english class, Nicolla, it was her birthday party. The big 17!
It's the first party I legit went to with like drinking and smoking and stuff, so I really didn't know how to react at first. In the end, it ended up pretty fun if we're being honest. :) And I made some new friends!
I learned that pushing myself out of my comfort zone resulted in me being more outgoing around strangers. I'm glad I was put out of my comfort zone, and I did handle the peer pressure of smoking by saying no! Hooray for me!
I think parties are good, since you get better socializing skills, but you do have to go aboout them the right way, and SMART way. :)
All my blessings for everyones summer!
- little jay
June 17, 2010
Tomorrow is doomsday.
No, not literally like "OH NO THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!" No, but It is the day of my dreaded MATH DIPLOMA. I'm not excited one bit. But, I'm going to try and be optimistic about it. If I fail tomorrow, I can alway re-take the diploma in August, just like I'm already re-taking the course in summer school. :( Anyway, Sorry for no blogs lately or anything. Finals are KILLING me it's horrible. SOON THEY WILL BE OVER! My last one is on the 22nd. :) I'll definately blog more after all the finals are finito.
Stay smiling, summers close!
-little Jay
No, not literally like "OH NO THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!" No, but It is the day of my dreaded MATH DIPLOMA. I'm not excited one bit. But, I'm going to try and be optimistic about it. If I fail tomorrow, I can alway re-take the diploma in August, just like I'm already re-taking the course in summer school. :( Anyway, Sorry for no blogs lately or anything. Finals are KILLING me it's horrible. SOON THEY WILL BE OVER! My last one is on the 22nd. :) I'll definately blog more after all the finals are finito.
Stay smiling, summers close!
-little Jay
June 7, 2010
bittersweet realizations
The past few days of my realizations have been bittersweet. As you saw with my last blog post, one of my best friends' baba passed away. Her death made me, and a couple of my other friends, realize some things.
We think everything lasts forever, but really, our days are numbered and minutes are limited. Some of us don't know when the clock will stop, and other do because of illnesses or if your a criminal,a death sentence. Nothing lasts forever, I mean, metaphorically it can, like true love. But we won't always have who we have right now with us. As difficult it is to accept, our loved ones days are numbered too. We have to appreciate everyone for the little time we have them for. We never know what tomorrow will bring, as much as we all try to plan for it. I have never lost someone,a physical person. I mean, yes, my grandfather died when I was 3, but I don't recall any of it, and I only have one memory of him that's clear and makes sense. Even though Baba wasn't related to me in anyway, it was a shock to lose her. The last time I saw her was a month ago, when she was giving Brittany and I cookies and sandwiches to take home with us. I never thought that would be the last time. Although we did have a good time, she never really found out how much she really meant.
Another thing I realized really late, is that we only have one life. We do. We're not cats with nine lives, we only have one. Up until now, truthfully, I wasn't really living it how I pictured it, or how I wanted to. Throughout your life you'll make a hell of alot of mistakes. I know I have, and I want to take this time to publicly apologize to people I've hurt. And I also know sometimes it seems like the end, but really, tomorrow brings a new day. The past is the past, you can't change it, you have to accept it, learn your lesson, and apply it to the future so it doesn't happen again.
Yet another thing I realized, loved ones. Friends, Family. Like I said before, we make alot of mistakes during our lives. But your friends, and family will always help you through it. They'll always push you into the right direction. Although sometimes the truth hurts, we have to see where the other person is coming from in order for them to be saying that in the first place. Since I am extremely stubborn and hard-headed, this will be a challenege for me, but I'll work on it.
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Just remeber to say I love you to the ones you love, to not take moments or days for granted, and just simply live your life how YOU want to live it. Someone will always judge, no matter what you do. So either way, it's the same outcome. Do the things you love, and want with no regrets.
-Little Jay.
We think everything lasts forever, but really, our days are numbered and minutes are limited. Some of us don't know when the clock will stop, and other do because of illnesses or if your a criminal,a death sentence. Nothing lasts forever, I mean, metaphorically it can, like true love. But we won't always have who we have right now with us. As difficult it is to accept, our loved ones days are numbered too. We have to appreciate everyone for the little time we have them for. We never know what tomorrow will bring, as much as we all try to plan for it. I have never lost someone,a physical person. I mean, yes, my grandfather died when I was 3, but I don't recall any of it, and I only have one memory of him that's clear and makes sense. Even though Baba wasn't related to me in anyway, it was a shock to lose her. The last time I saw her was a month ago, when she was giving Brittany and I cookies and sandwiches to take home with us. I never thought that would be the last time. Although we did have a good time, she never really found out how much she really meant.
Another thing I realized really late, is that we only have one life. We do. We're not cats with nine lives, we only have one. Up until now, truthfully, I wasn't really living it how I pictured it, or how I wanted to. Throughout your life you'll make a hell of alot of mistakes. I know I have, and I want to take this time to publicly apologize to people I've hurt. And I also know sometimes it seems like the end, but really, tomorrow brings a new day. The past is the past, you can't change it, you have to accept it, learn your lesson, and apply it to the future so it doesn't happen again.
Yet another thing I realized, loved ones. Friends, Family. Like I said before, we make alot of mistakes during our lives. But your friends, and family will always help you through it. They'll always push you into the right direction. Although sometimes the truth hurts, we have to see where the other person is coming from in order for them to be saying that in the first place. Since I am extremely stubborn and hard-headed, this will be a challenege for me, but I'll work on it.
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Just remeber to say I love you to the ones you love, to not take moments or days for granted, and just simply live your life how YOU want to live it. Someone will always judge, no matter what you do. So either way, it's the same outcome. Do the things you love, and want with no regrets.
-Little Jay.
June 2, 2010
the ukranian baba to a portuguese girl, RIP.
Death is an all too easy subject now-a-days. We see the people in the newspaper who die, or see statistics of someone who dies with an illiness, and all too easily, we shake it off. We don't give it a second chance that one day, we'll be a statistic. Just like love and hate, its so used out of context.
"I wish she was dead"
"I'll kill you"
No, you don't wish she was dead, or to kill anyone. Even though it's said in a playful or teasing manner, they're heavy words.
Today, one of my best friends since Junior High lost her baba (grandma). Truthfully, her grandma was practically mine as well. For the past three years I have attended part of Thanksgiving and Christmas at her house. She knew I looooved perogies, and ukrainian food, and would pack me enough to feed a small country just to take home! I lost my grandpa when I was three, so I don't remember how it felt, or even at the time if I understood. But losing someone who was like a stand in grandmother while mine are over seas, I don't even know how to feel. Or WHAT to feel.
She was this short, bubbly character. I swear, for a 71 year old woman, she acted like she was 20. She was so full of life, and completely fashion forward, MORE fashion forward than anyone my age! Her hugs were the best hugs ever, and she'd strike up a conversation with anyone. It still hasn't set in, that she's gone. That never will I have buckwheat perogies like hers, or her epic turkey filling, and her sneeking Jenna and I wine at their family functions! I remember I'd take generous helpings at her house, and she'd push on "EAT! EAT MORE!" and if you didn't have seconds, oh dear that was quite the crisis. I loved her. Maybe she wasn't my blood relative, but she was something. I was a complete stranger, just her granddaughters friend and she spontaneously just invited me over after meeting me a few times. She'd always ask how my life was, what was going on, anything. She was my baba. I hadn't even visited her in the hospital, I was supposed to go this weekend when she was switching to a more spaceous room. They're not kidding when they say that every second counts. It truly does. You don't think that tomorrow you can lose someone, but really, life is the most fragile thing. It's easily lost, easily ruined, and easily taken for granted.
Life is too short to let things ruin your day. Life is too short to let people just walk all over you, and make of you what they want. You need to LIVE your dreams, not sit and dream of them. It's beyond a cliche, but really, we all have to live our life to the fullest, each and every single day.
I love you baba, RIP <3>
You may not be here, but you'll never be gone. Your memory lives stronger than anything in all our hearts.
"I wish she was dead"
"I'll kill you"
No, you don't wish she was dead, or to kill anyone. Even though it's said in a playful or teasing manner, they're heavy words.
Today, one of my best friends since Junior High lost her baba (grandma). Truthfully, her grandma was practically mine as well. For the past three years I have attended part of Thanksgiving and Christmas at her house. She knew I looooved perogies, and ukrainian food, and would pack me enough to feed a small country just to take home! I lost my grandpa when I was three, so I don't remember how it felt, or even at the time if I understood. But losing someone who was like a stand in grandmother while mine are over seas, I don't even know how to feel. Or WHAT to feel.
She was this short, bubbly character. I swear, for a 71 year old woman, she acted like she was 20. She was so full of life, and completely fashion forward, MORE fashion forward than anyone my age! Her hugs were the best hugs ever, and she'd strike up a conversation with anyone. It still hasn't set in, that she's gone. That never will I have buckwheat perogies like hers, or her epic turkey filling, and her sneeking Jenna and I wine at their family functions! I remember I'd take generous helpings at her house, and she'd push on "EAT! EAT MORE!" and if you didn't have seconds, oh dear that was quite the crisis. I loved her. Maybe she wasn't my blood relative, but she was something. I was a complete stranger, just her granddaughters friend and she spontaneously just invited me over after meeting me a few times. She'd always ask how my life was, what was going on, anything. She was my baba. I hadn't even visited her in the hospital, I was supposed to go this weekend when she was switching to a more spaceous room. They're not kidding when they say that every second counts. It truly does. You don't think that tomorrow you can lose someone, but really, life is the most fragile thing. It's easily lost, easily ruined, and easily taken for granted.
Life is too short to let things ruin your day. Life is too short to let people just walk all over you, and make of you what they want. You need to LIVE your dreams, not sit and dream of them. It's beyond a cliche, but really, we all have to live our life to the fullest, each and every single day.
I love you baba, RIP <3>
You may not be here, but you'll never be gone. Your memory lives stronger than anything in all our hearts.
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