Today in Religion class (I go to a catholic school), the teacher read us an article about this (the title). And for the most part, it's true. Play fair. Share. Don't hit people. The Golden Rule. Take Turns. Clean up your own mess. Everything we ever need to learn about ethics or morality, we learn in kindergarden or at an extremely young age. But then why is it, when we get older, we so easily stray from these things implemented in our brain? Why is it we get greeder, and selfish? How can a 5 year old child know better than someone whose a senior in High School?
My point?
One of my friends told me that this girl, who claims herself "popular", was thinking about planning safe grad only for popular people. For those of you who don't know what safe grad is, it's basically a huge bush-party where you party it out after graduation and prom except it's totally legal and protected and stuff. It's supposed to be the last horrah together as a graduating class, where cliques, drama and a social monoarchy is supposed to disappear; just for one night. The fact that this girl thinks that the rest of the 450 graduates are not "worthy" to attend this, is absolutely DISGUSTING. A 5 year old would be nicer about inviting kids to his BIRTHDAY party.
In a world where we're trying to change, how could we with mentalities like this? WE ARE ALL PEOPLE. We are all human beings. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear, what clique your in, who you hang out with, your skin color, music prefence, anything. That shouldn't stray a person's opinion on another person. I'm not innocent to this, I'll admit I've thought in my mind "oh my god, she's such a bitch." When I don't even KNOW the person, but I'm judging based on their friends, or whatever. But it has to stop-- and I'm determined to make it stop for me.
It's about time people just grow up, and mature. We need to come to compromises or things on a small scale or large will just completely blow out of proportion! If you don't like a person the first time, give them a second chance. People do change. If you don't like them the second time, then fine have your opinion, but don't rudely voice it out? And we, as high schoolers, expect people to treat us like grown adults? We're more immature than kids in KINDERGARDEN. I am completely going on a rampage here, but it's true. But it's not only high schoolers, no. It's Junior high kids, adults, government officials. It's everyone. It's like when we pass grade one, we automatically assume that there has to be a group for certain people, that there's a social monoarchy in school, cliques. We automatically begin to think that there is someone below us. Someone not good enough to hang out with us, or be our partner in a group assignment.
I'm not just going on this tangent because there might be a chance that I won't go to safe grad, a second one can easily be arranged for the other 450 students. That's not the point of this full on rant. We need to grow up. We need to stop being so narrow minded, so outwardly opinionated, so easily hateful, so easily MEAN. Seriously, if we all just had the morals of a 5 year old, you'd see; this world would be completely different.
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