Hey blogglets,
So, with my finals coming up pretty quick, I won't be blogging as much (as you can already tell). I'll still try to get some blogs up here and then until finals are over, and keep in touch! :) Feel free to send me e-mails if you'd like, at portugu3sa21@hotmail.com.
I hope to not be gone again for another like.. six months haha!
Talk to you all soon <3
Much Love, and I hope those with Finals do amazing! :)
Little Jay
November 29, 2011
November 26, 2011
i'm goin' to whine a little more...
I'd like to think I'm a fairly decent person. I'm not perfect, I'll admit that but I'm not some horrible, lying, two-faced, irresponsible girl whose going to go out and make stupid decisions that forever affect my life. But according to my mother, I am. Having a rocky relationship with your mom is single-handedly one of the hardest things a person has to deal with, in my opinion. People tell me not to listen to her opinion on me, but it's a bit difficult. I mean, I came out of her vagina. She gave me life. Isn't she supposed to try to encourage me to be the best person, encourage me in all my chapters through life? She's not like this all the time, but more often than not I feel like I'm not good enough for her and never will be. Every time I do something and think she'll be proud, no, I could've done this, this and this differently. Oh, and this could've been done too. She's one of the hardest people to make happy.
She admires my brother. I don't understand why, maybe because he's the youngest? I'm not saying I want it to be all about me, I really don't. I can't handle being in the spotlight and the centre of attention, it's awkward. But I don't want to be shoved under the rug either for every mistake I make AND admit too, or just because she's in a bad mood and I'm in her line of fire. My dad works out of town so it's hard for him to know who to believe, and really for him to be here to witness it because when she's home, she's blissful.
I guess I just want an answer. What did I do? Why is she always so mad at me? I work hard in school for her, because I'm the only one in my family to ever go to university. I decided to not become a teacher because she wanted me to be something medical (which I then, wanted to be too). I try not to ask her for money, even if I have none I'll try to wait it out. I don't sit there and purposely try to destroy our relationship. I don't know what to do anymore. And sometimes, I wonder if I'll be able to put up with this for another 4-5 years until I'm on my feet.
She admires my brother. I don't understand why, maybe because he's the youngest? I'm not saying I want it to be all about me, I really don't. I can't handle being in the spotlight and the centre of attention, it's awkward. But I don't want to be shoved under the rug either for every mistake I make AND admit too, or just because she's in a bad mood and I'm in her line of fire. My dad works out of town so it's hard for him to know who to believe, and really for him to be here to witness it because when she's home, she's blissful.
I guess I just want an answer. What did I do? Why is she always so mad at me? I work hard in school for her, because I'm the only one in my family to ever go to university. I decided to not become a teacher because she wanted me to be something medical (which I then, wanted to be too). I try not to ask her for money, even if I have none I'll try to wait it out. I don't sit there and purposely try to destroy our relationship. I don't know what to do anymore. And sometimes, I wonder if I'll be able to put up with this for another 4-5 years until I'm on my feet.
November 24, 2011
November 23, 2011
losing braincells as we speak...
My slacker status only seems to be increasing as I care less and less for my classes. This may be a problem.
I remember being a kid and everything being so simple. It's funny, because then I used to think it was hard. I thought long division would be the death of me (and to be honest, I still don't know how to do it).
Pause. Funny moment:
Dear "I wasn't that drunk",
you were hugging an old man with a beard screaming "DUMBLEDORE YOU'RE ALIVE"
sincerely, sober people don't do that...
And that was courtesy of "dearblankpleaseblank.com"
Sorry, I had to share that. This is what I accomplish in my classes, primarily Anatomy. But back to my reminiscing of life before university. I can't do long division, I can't multiply two fractions without a calculator, and according to my English Professor: I cannot make a proper thesis. You're taught all these things that allegedly you MUST know in order to succeed in life, but I once saw a picture that really describes school life.
Pre-School: they sit you behind a desk and tell you not to break anything.
Elementary: Tell you it's a lot harder in Junior High
Jr. High: Tell you it's a lot harder in High School
High School: Tell you it's a lot harder in College/University
College/ University: Tell you it's a lot harder in the real world
Real World: sit you behind a desk and you try not to break anything. <---- although this is only applicable to some jobs, I found it so true.
What kind of world did we build, that we have to go to school 12 years in order to understand it, and then if you want to "succeed" in it, you have to go to school for another year or as many years as it takes to become the very important job you are seeking to be. Maybe this is a pointless rant. But really, I need to waste another half hour until my class is done.
I'm going to go look up stupid things on the internet now.
I'll blog later and post my listen-of-the-day for how ever many days I've missed.
Kill them with kindness,
little jay.
PS- my next blog will probably be more relevant to life, and not as pointless.
I remember being a kid and everything being so simple. It's funny, because then I used to think it was hard. I thought long division would be the death of me (and to be honest, I still don't know how to do it).
Pause. Funny moment:
Dear "I wasn't that drunk",
you were hugging an old man with a beard screaming "DUMBLEDORE YOU'RE ALIVE"
sincerely, sober people don't do that...
And that was courtesy of "dearblankpleaseblank.com"
Sorry, I had to share that. This is what I accomplish in my classes, primarily Anatomy. But back to my reminiscing of life before university. I can't do long division, I can't multiply two fractions without a calculator, and according to my English Professor: I cannot make a proper thesis. You're taught all these things that allegedly you MUST know in order to succeed in life, but I once saw a picture that really describes school life.
Pre-School: they sit you behind a desk and tell you not to break anything.
Elementary: Tell you it's a lot harder in Junior High
Jr. High: Tell you it's a lot harder in High School
High School: Tell you it's a lot harder in College/University
College/ University: Tell you it's a lot harder in the real world
Real World: sit you behind a desk and you try not to break anything. <---- although this is only applicable to some jobs, I found it so true.
What kind of world did we build, that we have to go to school 12 years in order to understand it, and then if you want to "succeed" in it, you have to go to school for another year or as many years as it takes to become the very important job you are seeking to be. Maybe this is a pointless rant. But really, I need to waste another half hour until my class is done.
I'm going to go look up stupid things on the internet now.
I'll blog later and post my listen-of-the-day for how ever many days I've missed.
Kill them with kindness,
little jay.
PS- my next blog will probably be more relevant to life, and not as pointless.
November 21, 2011
Here I am again...
My efforts to write my english research paper keep dwindling.
This is a problem. It's due Wednesday. I don't even have a thesis.
I never procrastinated this badly in high school. Isn't that supposed to change in University? Arn't you supposed to become more motivated? Unfortunately, my english teacher is well, a bitch. Everything is wrong in her eyes, literally, everything. So my mentality with this course (and ultimately, this paper), is well... I'm going to fail it anyways.
Let's give this another go.
Meaning, there'll probably be another blog post in the next 2-3 hours.
My efforts to write my english research paper keep dwindling.
This is a problem. It's due Wednesday. I don't even have a thesis.
I never procrastinated this badly in high school. Isn't that supposed to change in University? Arn't you supposed to become more motivated? Unfortunately, my english teacher is well, a bitch. Everything is wrong in her eyes, literally, everything. So my mentality with this course (and ultimately, this paper), is well... I'm going to fail it anyways.
Let's give this another go.
Meaning, there'll probably be another blog post in the next 2-3 hours.
let's get real here for a second
Facebook is a probably the number one thing that drives drama out of control and blows it out of proportion. People get involved in things that's clearly not their business, and then when someone retaliates against it; god forbid it's the end of the world. I knew coming out of high school drama wouldn't just disappear, it's human nature. But I thought my generation would at least mature a little bit. We're not in junior high.
People complain about how there's no "face to face confrontation" but you know what? don't complain about it OVER the internet, it's hypocritical. Maybe i'm contributing to this hypocrisy, but it's not my problem to deal with. I'm simply a by-stander, disagreeing with the situation. I will stand up for my friends. I'll point it out that what you're doing or saying is wrong, but won't do it in some degrading way that'll cause "beef" (lack of a better word) between you and I. I like to remain neutral, especially if both parties are my friends. It's how I've been and always will be. Deal with it.
People have the freedom to speech, yes, someone can make a blog and someone else can comment about it. But if it's nothing to do with you, why would you? Do you have nothing better to do? Are you a troll in training? Personally I know I have tons of assignments to do and too busy trying to succeed in life rather than sit there and troll peoples blogs, facebooks or twitters.
I scroll through tons of blogs a day, I read my friends, I read strangers. Blogs are like diaries. It's how the world has progressed to be. But bashing on someones personal feelings, and poking fun at them is just sickening, and as generations go on it just gets worse. I'm at fault too, I'm not saying I'm some angel who has never said anything about anyone, I have. I'll own up to it and apologize for it too. Humans are disgusting things, and it's how it is. But it shouldn't be. I've tried to change, although there's been slip ups, but at least I'm trying. Change doesn't happen over night.
If you don't want drama in your life, don't get involved with it. Ignore bullshit. Hell I've had people blog about me, not even kindly, or say things about me and I've ignored it? Because I don't care what you have to say about me. I don't care, if you don't agree with my choices or my actions. If they're a mistake, I'll realize it on my own. Shouldn't it be that way for everyone else too? I could understand if it was bullying, but if it's not even intentional threats, name calling or harassing... is it YOUR problem? No. It's not. Maybe it's just my opinion, but hey I've managed to live a more or less drama-free life since high school haven't i?
If someone writes something about someone else, they don't need a hoard of minions to defend them. I'm pretty sure we're all human enough to deal with our own problems. Your friends should be on the sidelines HELPING you get through it, NOT writing about it all over Facebook, making it a bigger deal than it really is.
I was talking to my dear friend whose dealing with something along the lines of what I've mentioned, and I told her something that I think everyone should hear. "Don't waste your time looking back at what you've lost, move on and remember life isn't meant to be travelled backwards; that's why we don't have time machines. Its why people change, why we get hurt. People walk in and out of our lives, and some will make a huge impact, while others won't. We learn from the big impacts, mistakes and things that went wrong and take that lesson to make us stronger. Your life was given to you the way it is because you're strong enough to live it."
So maybe I'm throwing another match in the already burning fire, but what the hell why not just leave it. Seriously.
Drama should be between two people: the person offended, and the offender. Not an army. Wouldn't it all just be simpler that way?
please, enlighten me.
People complain about how there's no "face to face confrontation" but you know what? don't complain about it OVER the internet, it's hypocritical. Maybe i'm contributing to this hypocrisy, but it's not my problem to deal with. I'm simply a by-stander, disagreeing with the situation. I will stand up for my friends. I'll point it out that what you're doing or saying is wrong, but won't do it in some degrading way that'll cause "beef" (lack of a better word) between you and I. I like to remain neutral, especially if both parties are my friends. It's how I've been and always will be. Deal with it.
People have the freedom to speech, yes, someone can make a blog and someone else can comment about it. But if it's nothing to do with you, why would you? Do you have nothing better to do? Are you a troll in training? Personally I know I have tons of assignments to do and too busy trying to succeed in life rather than sit there and troll peoples blogs, facebooks or twitters.
I scroll through tons of blogs a day, I read my friends, I read strangers. Blogs are like diaries. It's how the world has progressed to be. But bashing on someones personal feelings, and poking fun at them is just sickening, and as generations go on it just gets worse. I'm at fault too, I'm not saying I'm some angel who has never said anything about anyone, I have. I'll own up to it and apologize for it too. Humans are disgusting things, and it's how it is. But it shouldn't be. I've tried to change, although there's been slip ups, but at least I'm trying. Change doesn't happen over night.
If you don't want drama in your life, don't get involved with it. Ignore bullshit. Hell I've had people blog about me, not even kindly, or say things about me and I've ignored it? Because I don't care what you have to say about me. I don't care, if you don't agree with my choices or my actions. If they're a mistake, I'll realize it on my own. Shouldn't it be that way for everyone else too? I could understand if it was bullying, but if it's not even intentional threats, name calling or harassing... is it YOUR problem? No. It's not. Maybe it's just my opinion, but hey I've managed to live a more or less drama-free life since high school haven't i?
If someone writes something about someone else, they don't need a hoard of minions to defend them. I'm pretty sure we're all human enough to deal with our own problems. Your friends should be on the sidelines HELPING you get through it, NOT writing about it all over Facebook, making it a bigger deal than it really is.
I was talking to my dear friend whose dealing with something along the lines of what I've mentioned, and I told her something that I think everyone should hear. "Don't waste your time looking back at what you've lost, move on and remember life isn't meant to be travelled backwards; that's why we don't have time machines. Its why people change, why we get hurt. People walk in and out of our lives, and some will make a huge impact, while others won't. We learn from the big impacts, mistakes and things that went wrong and take that lesson to make us stronger. Your life was given to you the way it is because you're strong enough to live it."
So maybe I'm throwing another match in the already burning fire, but what the hell why not just leave it. Seriously.
Drama should be between two people: the person offended, and the offender. Not an army. Wouldn't it all just be simpler that way?
please, enlighten me.
November 19, 2011
slacker right here
Not only have I not started my english research paper worth 25% of my mark (due Wednesday),
I have also not had "listens of the day" for what... two-three days? definitely one, wow. I'm so becoming a mathematician.
Here they are!
Friday: After a great day with Chandelier and her mommy to see Breaking Dawn,I was extremely moody and... hormonal. Pretty much I ended up crying on my laundry because I convinced myself my existence to life was not important. Hormones does stupid shit to people. so here's my listen for Friday!
Slow me down by Emmy Rossum
Saturday: (today) Not going to lie, I thought today was going to suck because I was supposed to go shopping with Red and Bee, but opted to hang with my dad instead because I rarely see him. Usually our hangouts turn into him leaving somewhere to run errands and me doing homework, but not this time. I had an amazing day with my family, NAK was invited for dinner and hang out with my family too. I don't think it could've been anymore perfect. Here's my listen for today!
In the Morning by Jack Johnson
Here you have it! :) enjoy two amazing songs!
kill them with kindnessssss,
Little Jay!
side note:
Can I just point out I'm probably the worst person in the kitchen? I definitely burnt chocolate... in the microwave.
I have also not had "listens of the day" for what... two-three days? definitely one, wow. I'm so becoming a mathematician.
Here they are!
Friday: After a great day with Chandelier and her mommy to see Breaking Dawn,I was extremely moody and... hormonal. Pretty much I ended up crying on my laundry because I convinced myself my existence to life was not important. Hormones does stupid shit to people. so here's my listen for Friday!
Slow me down by Emmy Rossum
Saturday: (today) Not going to lie, I thought today was going to suck because I was supposed to go shopping with Red and Bee, but opted to hang with my dad instead because I rarely see him. Usually our hangouts turn into him leaving somewhere to run errands and me doing homework, but not this time. I had an amazing day with my family, NAK was invited for dinner and hang out with my family too. I don't think it could've been anymore perfect. Here's my listen for today!
In the Morning by Jack Johnson
Here you have it! :) enjoy two amazing songs!
kill them with kindnessssss,
Little Jay!
side note:
Can I just point out I'm probably the worst person in the kitchen? I definitely burnt chocolate... in the microwave.
miniature vent session?
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices in order to please the people around you,
and something I've been realizing is you can't please everyone. This, however, is difficult for me because I hate making people upset, I hate having people disappointed in me and most of all I hate when people are mad at me. I'm horrible when people are mad at me, because a) I usually forget what I did for them to be mad, and b) I start to get defensive because I have too much pride. It's been getting better though, I apologize for things I do and usually, I try to fix it or make it up to the person.
Something I've also realized, is how different life is out of high school. I know, it's naive of me to say that pretty much 4 months after graduation but I've been realizing it now more than ever. Places I thought I used to fit in so well, now just seem changed and that really, I don't fit is as great as I thought. In high school my friends circle was set. I had a a few that were true, and that I knew I could lean on them. I did have friends in other social circles, and pretty much tried to talk to everyone but overall, I had my little group. Since graduating, the group has gotten smaller, and seemingly divided. Bee talks more to Red and Kels, while I talk daily to Chandelier and Jordy. It's difficult for me, because I usually had all of them to lean back on, and while I still do in a way, most of them don't really know what goes on in my life. It really sucks when you start to not be invited to things that when you were the one planning it, you tried to make sure everyone was included (hey, it wasn't always the case, but I would try). I guess I took for granted the people in my life, although I never meant too. I understand it's apart of growing up, losing people and gaining new ones, but it's hard to deal with, especially when some friends have been there for a really long time.
I know I'll never completely lose ties with my friends, but not talking to them or feeling as if I just don't... fit (for lack of a better word) with them, is a hard pill to swallow. Maybe it's just a phase, since we're all starting a new chapter of our lives, all in different directions... but only time will tell right?
and something I've been realizing is you can't please everyone. This, however, is difficult for me because I hate making people upset, I hate having people disappointed in me and most of all I hate when people are mad at me. I'm horrible when people are mad at me, because a) I usually forget what I did for them to be mad, and b) I start to get defensive because I have too much pride. It's been getting better though, I apologize for things I do and usually, I try to fix it or make it up to the person.
Something I've also realized, is how different life is out of high school. I know, it's naive of me to say that pretty much 4 months after graduation but I've been realizing it now more than ever. Places I thought I used to fit in so well, now just seem changed and that really, I don't fit is as great as I thought. In high school my friends circle was set. I had a a few that were true, and that I knew I could lean on them. I did have friends in other social circles, and pretty much tried to talk to everyone but overall, I had my little group. Since graduating, the group has gotten smaller, and seemingly divided. Bee talks more to Red and Kels, while I talk daily to Chandelier and Jordy. It's difficult for me, because I usually had all of them to lean back on, and while I still do in a way, most of them don't really know what goes on in my life. It really sucks when you start to not be invited to things that when you were the one planning it, you tried to make sure everyone was included (hey, it wasn't always the case, but I would try). I guess I took for granted the people in my life, although I never meant too. I understand it's apart of growing up, losing people and gaining new ones, but it's hard to deal with, especially when some friends have been there for a really long time.
I know I'll never completely lose ties with my friends, but not talking to them or feeling as if I just don't... fit (for lack of a better word) with them, is a hard pill to swallow. Maybe it's just a phase, since we're all starting a new chapter of our lives, all in different directions... but only time will tell right?
November 17, 2011
what am i, 12?
As mentioned previously, I turned 18. In October, to be exact.
But according to my mother, this still does not get me out of a 9 o'clock curfew.
I'm pretty sure when I was in junior high, my curfew was 9:30-10...
I'm now in University.
How does this make sense?
I'm not sure.
Immigrant Parents.
on the bright side of this snow-y & miserable day:
cake batter or cookie dough is amazing.

stay warm,
little jay
But according to my mother, this still does not get me out of a 9 o'clock curfew.
I'm pretty sure when I was in junior high, my curfew was 9:30-10...
I'm now in University.
How does this make sense?
I'm not sure.
Immigrant Parents.
on the bright side of this snow-y & miserable day:
cake batter or cookie dough is amazing.

stay warm,
little jay
Just a thought...
What ever happened to the kindness of humanity?
I feel like humanity has been losing its compassion and morals as time goes on. It's ridiculous how judgemental and black-hearted so many people are today. Ignorance isn't bliss, it's ruining our society.
Yesterday, I went to the mall with my mom and as we were leaving the parking lot driving away, an elderly woman caught my eye on the sidewalk. She was hunched over in the bitter cold, several shopping bags hanging from her arms, and as we drove closer I was confused on what she was doing so bent over. Then I saw the cane on the ground and her frail little arms trying to reach it. At least ten people had passed right next to her on the sidewalk, some glancing, but no one stopped to help. I made my mom stop in the middle of the street so I could get out and help her with her cane. It's unbelievable that from the crowd of people swarming around her, no one bothered to help.
There's also a homeless man, well, to be honest I'm not sure if he's homeless. I believe he's mentally ill. But regardless, he used to sit in the Tim Hortins near my house, and it made me so happy to see that people would buy him soup on a cold day, or a donut if they were in the mood. Everyone in my area knows him. The Tim Hortins just switched to a new owner, and I just recently found out that the man (his name is Joe), is no longer allowed in the Tim Hortins. Now, incase you've never been to the part of Canada I live in, it gets absolutely freezing in the winter. Who gives this manager the right to kick Joe out? I understand companies have the right to refuse service, but isn't that for when someone is being disruptive, or rude? Please, enlighten me. Because other than grunts or head nods, Joe doesn't even talk.
Also at this Tim Hortins, in late September when it was getting a little chilly, there was a girl maybe about 19, who was sitting outside. I walked in with my mom, and as I stood in line for my coffee, I watched her ask people for bus money, and everyone was completely rude to her! Yes, I understand that you never know if the money will be used for the bus or not, but you don't need to be rude. You don't know someone's story. I overheard the construction workers in front of me talking about what a disgrace it was to our city, to have such poorly presented people sitting around in public places. This day, Joe was also at the Tim Hortins (before the new owner came into the picture). When I got to the register, I asked for my breakfast but also two extra coffees and extra donuts. I got my order, and shoved passed the construction workers who were huddled by the door now, outside to the girl and handed her a bag of donuts and a large coffee. It was freezing outside and she barely had on a jacket. I then went inside and gave the other coffee and bag of donuts to Joe. Let's say that shut up the arrogant construction workers.
Oh, and one of them also dropped their coffee.
Karmas a bitch, isn't it?
Kill them with Kindness,
little jay.
I feel like humanity has been losing its compassion and morals as time goes on. It's ridiculous how judgemental and black-hearted so many people are today. Ignorance isn't bliss, it's ruining our society.
Yesterday, I went to the mall with my mom and as we were leaving the parking lot driving away, an elderly woman caught my eye on the sidewalk. She was hunched over in the bitter cold, several shopping bags hanging from her arms, and as we drove closer I was confused on what she was doing so bent over. Then I saw the cane on the ground and her frail little arms trying to reach it. At least ten people had passed right next to her on the sidewalk, some glancing, but no one stopped to help. I made my mom stop in the middle of the street so I could get out and help her with her cane. It's unbelievable that from the crowd of people swarming around her, no one bothered to help.
There's also a homeless man, well, to be honest I'm not sure if he's homeless. I believe he's mentally ill. But regardless, he used to sit in the Tim Hortins near my house, and it made me so happy to see that people would buy him soup on a cold day, or a donut if they were in the mood. Everyone in my area knows him. The Tim Hortins just switched to a new owner, and I just recently found out that the man (his name is Joe), is no longer allowed in the Tim Hortins. Now, incase you've never been to the part of Canada I live in, it gets absolutely freezing in the winter. Who gives this manager the right to kick Joe out? I understand companies have the right to refuse service, but isn't that for when someone is being disruptive, or rude? Please, enlighten me. Because other than grunts or head nods, Joe doesn't even talk.
Also at this Tim Hortins, in late September when it was getting a little chilly, there was a girl maybe about 19, who was sitting outside. I walked in with my mom, and as I stood in line for my coffee, I watched her ask people for bus money, and everyone was completely rude to her! Yes, I understand that you never know if the money will be used for the bus or not, but you don't need to be rude. You don't know someone's story. I overheard the construction workers in front of me talking about what a disgrace it was to our city, to have such poorly presented people sitting around in public places. This day, Joe was also at the Tim Hortins (before the new owner came into the picture). When I got to the register, I asked for my breakfast but also two extra coffees and extra donuts. I got my order, and shoved passed the construction workers who were huddled by the door now, outside to the girl and handed her a bag of donuts and a large coffee. It was freezing outside and she barely had on a jacket. I then went inside and gave the other coffee and bag of donuts to Joe. Let's say that shut up the arrogant construction workers.
Oh, and one of them also dropped their coffee.
Karmas a bitch, isn't it?
Kill them with Kindness,
little jay.
November 16, 2011
No new beginning, is ever completely new...
I was contemplating on deleting my old blog posts, since I've recently (as in, today) re-discovered my blog. But then I decided, why delete something from my past? The past is my past, and my history makes me who I am today. So therefore, you are all blessed to still see my dirty laundry from high school. Isn't that the most exciting news?!
Let's be honest here for a second. I'm not going to say that I went on some grand adventure, travelling the world and changing my life completely in which made me so busy I couldn't blog about its excitement. No. Pure and simple? I forgot about it...
I realize, it's been since May. But with graduating in June, diploma exams, going on a family vacation to Portugal and then starting University... It completely slipped my mind.
I want to say not much has changed, but in reality it has; it just doesn't seem like it. First of all, I would say the biggest shock is university. Graduation was bittersweet, I loved leaving part of high school behind... but I can't help but sometimes think back to it, and thinking I took its simplicity for granted. I've lost friends, gained some new ones, and strengthened my friendship with old ones, while maybe drifting from others. If that makes any sense, but it's what's happened. University is like a social-life leech. It's a fun-sucker. I have yet to find that "blissful happiness" in writing papers, midterms and being a slave to my textbooks + powerpoints. For those who ask: what am I studying? Let's just say I'm learning how to save your life.
A few blogposts ago, I mentioned New York. However, I did not mention the boy I met there. Let's say, he became more than just a boy to me. Nak and I have been together for 7 months now, and I've never met someone like him. He's amazing, and not even that is the right word to describe him. For friends, I'm still close to most of the girls from high school, primarily sticking to Chandelier, Jordy, Bee, and Red. I love those girls to pieces, even though it can sometimes be a roller-coaster of ups and downs.
Oh, have I also mentioned I turned 18? You can only imagine the crazy encounters or stories I'll have with this... facepalm.
But that's for another blogpost.
here's my song of the day:
Safe by OK Sweetheart
Kill 'em with kindness ;)
little jay
Let's be honest here for a second. I'm not going to say that I went on some grand adventure, travelling the world and changing my life completely in which made me so busy I couldn't blog about its excitement. No. Pure and simple? I forgot about it...
I realize, it's been since May. But with graduating in June, diploma exams, going on a family vacation to Portugal and then starting University... It completely slipped my mind.
I want to say not much has changed, but in reality it has; it just doesn't seem like it. First of all, I would say the biggest shock is university. Graduation was bittersweet, I loved leaving part of high school behind... but I can't help but sometimes think back to it, and thinking I took its simplicity for granted. I've lost friends, gained some new ones, and strengthened my friendship with old ones, while maybe drifting from others. If that makes any sense, but it's what's happened. University is like a social-life leech. It's a fun-sucker. I have yet to find that "blissful happiness" in writing papers, midterms and being a slave to my textbooks + powerpoints. For those who ask: what am I studying? Let's just say I'm learning how to save your life.
A few blogposts ago, I mentioned New York. However, I did not mention the boy I met there. Let's say, he became more than just a boy to me. Nak and I have been together for 7 months now, and I've never met someone like him. He's amazing, and not even that is the right word to describe him. For friends, I'm still close to most of the girls from high school, primarily sticking to Chandelier, Jordy, Bee, and Red. I love those girls to pieces, even though it can sometimes be a roller-coaster of ups and downs.
Oh, have I also mentioned I turned 18? You can only imagine the crazy encounters or stories I'll have with this... facepalm.
But that's for another blogpost.
here's my song of the day:
Safe by OK Sweetheart
Kill 'em with kindness ;)
little jay
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