September 25, 2010

scatterbrained organization

I felt the need to write a blog post today. I don't give it enough TLC as it needs. :( Poor blog, being rejected and forgotten about amongst all the hectic things of life.
Initially, I didn't know what I was going to write about. But in the process of waiting for my laptops slower-than-a-snail internet to load up my page, I figured out a subject.
I don't remember if I've written about this SPECIFIC subject, and I'm really too lazy to go back and wait 50 years for my internet to load my blog posts so I can check, so just live with it! :)

I do know I've talked about wanting to help people (blog post: extreme makeover: life edition) but I don't think I've actually said how I seriously PLAN to, or what I've arranged for me to meet my general goal of helping people. I also know I haven't added anything to the self project in awhile, so this post can tie into that aswell.

For me, this year I want to have alot going on. When I'm busy it keeps me focused. Yes, I get deathly tired and sometimes cranky, but I don't slack and I stay completely ontop of things. First thing I signed up for, was to volunteer for the organization Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Basicaly what I'll be doing, is every Friday afternoon for about an hour I go to an elementary school and spend time with a child whose life isn't the greatest. Maybe they're sick, or have a horrible family life, but the point is to get their mind off their problems for even a little bit, and to guide them through.

Next thing I plan doing, is joining Peer Tutoring. Pretty much I'd just help a student in my school with a subject they're struggling in, that I do well in. Pretty straight forward and self-explanitory right? I also want to help out at soup kitchens or the food bank during the winter break, and HOPEFULLY (I don't know if it's allowed) be able to volunteer at the Children's Hospital. Another thing I definately want to do, is hand out presents to less fortunate kids around Christmas.

We're all humans, and we all need to help eachother out. Race, Colour, Social Status means nothing in the long run. So what I'm going to add to the Self Project, is:


Give back to your family, friends, community, teachers, anything. Give back, or give in general not expecting something in return. Humans need to be more self-less, and trusting. We're all so paranoid with eachother that (i'll admit i've done this too) when someone is walking behind you on a street when you're alone, we walk faster or begin to panic, even if it's just slightly. We're all guilty of it. I'm not saying strike up a conversation with every stranger that passes you by, I'm just talking about saying hello, or good morning/afternoon/evening when you pass someone on the sidewalk.

I am a full-frontal believer on the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would want done to you" because it's true. Everything would be so much simpler if people weren't so judgemental, or criticizing. If you don't want someone to say that they hate your outfit, then don't say you hate the other persons outfit (small scale example, but still!).

Anyway, I'm completely beat. I've had a jam-packed weekend and I'm just going to cuddle up on my couch and watch a movie before bed. I'll blog again soon loves!

smile more,
little jay

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