March 28, 2012

just another blog post second of the day! don't mind me.

this is my life. (NOT WRITTEN BY ME.)

You know you're a nursing student when:

  1. You watch medical shows and comment the whole way through about how that scenario would NEVER happen in real life... or that the doctor is using his stethescope backwards
  2. You cringe when someone around you doesn't cover his cough or sneezes into her hands
  3. Your friends and family members come to you with their minor medical problems and expect you to be able to diagnose them
  4. People look at you weird when you use medical terms in everyday conversations
  5. You use your family members to practice physical assessments and taking vitals, and volunteer to bandage their boo-boos
  6. 6 hours of clinical prep have you stressed out all week long
  7. Your friends have banned you from talking about class and/or clinical while eating
  8. You notice when someone you're introduced to has really good veins
  9. You wish that caffeine came in IV form
  10. You self diagnose with whatever disease you've been reading about in your textbook, even the mental ones
  11. You turn of the faucet and open the door in public restrooms by using a paper towel... and carry hand sanitizer in your backpack
  12. When you enter a classroom with a hand sanitizer dispenser outside the door you gel in and gel out
  13. You get excited when someone says there's a dressing change or catheter to be done on the unit
  14. Your birthday and Christmas lists consist of nursing "toys"
  15. The correct answer is not on the test, and you could have argued 3 of the 4 answers
  16. The words "care plan" give you a headache


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