October 11, 2010

insomnia does this to you.

It's yet again, another late blog post. What can I say, I think when I'm laying in bed.
I know I haven't blogged since my last kind of "epiphany" blog about things I really need to change about myself, particularily because I really just didn't know what to do with it. I bared my soul practically, on the internet, and pointed out my biggest flaws. How do I really move on from that? I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know. I really don't. It's like... a new road, and I'm going mapless. This whole changing myself thing is mapless really. I just know where my desination is to be, how I get there is a different story.

You know what? Maybe the point is never to reach the destination. People are always changing, the world is always changing, EVERYTHING is always changing. We go through phases and fads like it's no ones buisness. As we grow older (not saying I'm old LOL!), styles change, and we gain opinions and ideas. Things are always just changing. I don't even know if this rant has a point. Maybe I'm just rambling now. Yes, definately rambling. But shouldn't we be always changing too?

Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep, I logged on with an important idea, but I forgot it amongst the ramble. I'll write tomorrow hopefully, and it should come back to me with sleeeeeeeep.

dreamland bound,
little jay

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